The White Flag

Losing Liberty
December 12, 2010, 5:12 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized


Republicans opposed to unemployment benefits because they will increase the national debt by $50 billion, legitimate. However, they will extend unemployment benefits so long as they can extend the bush era tax-cut for the richest 1% of the nation, a move which will add $700 billion to the national debt.

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Dick Cheney’s lawyer claims that any allegation that Cheney bribed Nigerians to obtain contracts in the country are completely baseless, but for some reason KBR, the company he worked for, paid $597 million dollars in fines. They paid a ton of money for something they supposedly did not do.
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Visa and Mastercard have dropped Wikileaks, however, no reason to fear, they are not on some morality trip. You can still use your Mastercard to purchase KKK merchandise as Christmas gifts for your loved ones.
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Either the FBI is incompetent at removing secret information the first time they release documents, or they are just taking out more information, purely for the sake of concealing it from the public.
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If you have any doubt that the rape charges against Assange are baseless, read this. Also, the U.S. abuses its power by intimidating people to challenge their authority: although not stated here, they have told Germany and Spain, who are investigating CIA torture, that it would damage foreign relations between us and them. Now they are telling college students not to write favorably, or support Wikileaks because it may jeopardize future employment opportunities with the government.
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More on this topic: America throws its weight around to get its agenda done; U.S. shows its teeth to Spain and Germany to kill torture investigations.
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The cyberwar: hackers v. United States
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Even those with degrees are feeling the hard economic times. Unemployment for people with a college education hits an all time high. Somehow companies themselves seem to be doing better than normal?
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VIDEO: Interview with Noam Chomsky, he discusses Haiti’s election, the economy, and other issues primarily focusing on the revelations from the latest Wikileaks documents.

More than six months after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill began, the Gulf floor is still lifeless
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Oil Spill in Michigan last summer is causing health problems for many people in the area.
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Texas case to determine the Constitutionality of capitol punishment. It takes into consideration the numerous innocents who have been executed, and people who are susceptible to false executions in the future. Update: This movement has been put on hold.
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Civil Liberties

Not only is it unlikely anyone who committed torture during the Bush Administration will be prosecuted, the Obama Administration is systematically discouraging other nations from pursuing their own investigations.
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“President Obama justifies his reluctance to investigate Bush administration officials by saying that the country needs to ‘look forward and not backwards’. Yet, he admitted the fallacy of that attitude during an interview in March 2010 in a reference to Indonesia, a country with its own history of abuses. ‘We have to acknowledge that those past human rights abuses existed,’ President Obama said of the regime of former Indonesian President Suharto, a US ally. ‘We can’t go forward without looking backwards.’”

Lead based paint on drinking glasses is okay because the glasses were intended for adult use.
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Fear and intimidation of U.S. citizens who disapprove of the current government agenda. Peace activist taken to court over material support to terrorists.
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“The Justice Department was taking its lead from the Supreme Court’s 6-3 opinion last June in Holder v. the Humanitarian Law Project, which decided that nonviolent First Amendment speech and advocacy ‘coordinated with’ or ‘under the direction of’ a foreign group listed by the Secretary of State as ‘terrorist’ was a crime. “

“Seizing on this over-broad definition of ‘material support,’ the US government is now moving in on political groups and activists who are clearly exercising fundamental First Amendment rights by vocally opposing the government’s branding of foreign liberation movements as terrorist and supporting their struggles against US-backed repressive regimes and illegal occupations.”

Like creationism before it, net neutrality will be given a new name to become appealing again. Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act of 2010; I could be wrong, but this really appears to be the implementation of net neutrality done in smaller steps, until the Internet we all know and love is unrecognizable.
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FBI fishing operations do not settle well with Muslims. It is likely that the government’s targeting of Muslims will both incite more Muslim radicals and instill xenophobia amongst Americans.
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Arresting the innocent based purely on public intolerance over conflicting views. Peaceful protester extinguished.
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“State-Secret” privilege comes with no oversight. So theoretically, if I were president I could break the law, then say what I was doing was a secret, and it would be okay?
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Anwar Awlaki must surrender to his home nation (America), who technically has the right to assassinate him, in order to challenge the president’s decision to bypass a judicial hearing in deciding Anwar’s innocence.
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The government cannot make us do anything if we kick and scream enough!
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“The Justice Department was taking its lead from the Supreme Court’s 6-3 opinion last June in Holder v. the Humanitarian Law Project, which decided that nonviolent First Amendment speech and advocacy ‘coordinated with’ or ‘under the direction of’ a foreign group listed by the Secretary of State as ‘terrorist’ was a crime. “

“Seizing on this over-broad definition of ‘material support,’ the US government is now moving in on political groups and activists who are clearly exercising fundamental First Amendment rights by vocally opposing the government’s branding of foreign liberation movements as terrorist and supporting their struggles against US-backed repressive regimes and illegal occupations.”


Though it is not exactly peaceful, they are doing what they do for all people who use the Internet; they do what they do for freedom of speech, and the free exchange of data.
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“Anonymous argues that access to any and all information online is a basic human right and should not be controlled by the government and big corporations.”

Petition: No, I do not want to pay the rich 700 billion dollars in tax cuts over the next 10 years.
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House Democrats refuse to pass tax cut legislation as it stands, and Obama tries to say,

“If I have to choose between having a protracted political battle on the one hand but those folks being hurt, or helping those folks and continuing to fight this political battle over the next two years, I will choose the latter.”

Middle Class American do not even need tax cuts, if it is all or nothing, I say we take no tax cuts. More than likely, tax cuts for the rich will hurt middle class Americans more than taxes increasing a small fraction.
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The CIA destroyed evidence of torture, demand rule of law prevail in the United States.
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Human Rights Day; on December 10, 1948 the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
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